
Publications & Media
Carla was interviewed at the Scandinavian Center of Neurodevelopmental Movement in Fredensborg, Denmark in 2012.
"Implications of Intervention Strategies for Physically Challenged Children from the Child's Perspective" in the Feldenkrais Journal No. 10
Carla has published a number of articles and books with the word "ChildSpace" in the titles before Chava branded her work as ChildSpace:
- Childspace Infants and Toddlers: A Program Guide and Caregiver Workbook by Carla Oswald Reed co-authored with Jane C. Warren, Lani A. Comp, and Susan Manker-Seale
- Childspace Caregivers: A Curriculum for Parent and Caregiver Groups by Carla Oswald Reed co-authored with Jane C. Warren, Lani A. Comp, and Susan Manker-Seale
- Childspace: Creating an Environment of Respect for Infants and Toddlers and Caregivers of Children, Carla Oswald Reed co-authored with Jane C. Warren in the Zero to Three, the Bulletin of National Center for Clinical Infant Programs, Vol. XII, No. 4, April 1992
Carla wrote an extensive chapter in the book entitled "Principles and Practice of Manuel Therapeutics," as part of the Medical Guides to Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Series
Published by Elsevier Science, Division of Churchill Livingstone; edited by Patrick Coughlin, PhD., April 2002. Carla’s chapter was entitled “Feldenkrais Method” and included contributions from James Stephens about research that had been done to date.
The book “Principles and Practice of Manual Therapeutics is available online new and/or used from Amazon and many other sources.